Thursday, November 22, 2012

Especially for Lisa

I created this canvas for a special friend of mine who is going through chemo for breast cancer. We are the same age with our birthdays only 5 days apart. The enormity of what she is going through has really hit home. You feel so helpless sitting on the sidelines watching someone go through such an illness. I wanted to create something that would help give her hope and give her the strength to fight when things get rough.  My mum had similar breast cancer when I was pregnant with Wil, but it didn't seem like such a big deal as I think she shielded us from a lot of the realities back then, mum only needed the radium and luckily not chemo.
I think that with mums history that this could have easily been me. I actually had my first mamogram just before Lisa was diognosed and have had the all clear. It is scary to think that it can happen to anyone at anyage and that it is getting closer to home.
Seeing someone go through the day to day struggles of this desease is tough, Chemo is so cruel!
I couldn't imagine having to go through it myself.
Hugs Lisa

Mont Marte Modelling Paste
Beads & Lace
Fairy Dust
White Dabber
Kaisercolour Hot pink paint
Gimmer mist Creme de Rouge, Cadillac Pink, Crushed shells
Glimmer Chalkboard Hot Chocolate
Collections Tissue paper

Thank you for dropping by!
Michelle xxx