Saturday, April 20, 2013

Play ~ Donna Salazar Designs

Hiya, How is everybody going?? I got to play with Donna's new stencils this month! Love this brick one and how well it coordinates with the brick stamp.

My good friend Deb Kingston took this photo of me while on was down in Melbourne visiting her. This was taken down one of the many graffiti alley ways.

 I have used a Structure paste by Rico Designs to create the bricks with the stencils and then spritzed them with the caramel latte and wood stain smooch spritz. Then I spritzed with some water to blend it a bit.

I used the brick stencil and brick stamp to create texture and dimension.

GCD Studios: Donna Salazar Designs - Fun & Funky
GCD Studios: Donna Salazar Designs - Natural Beauty
Art Gone Wild: Donna Salazar Designs - Bricks
Clearsnap: Mix’d Media Inx - Stormy
Clearsnap: Mix’d Media Inx Chox - Butternut
Spellbinders: Grand Peony Creations
Want 2 Scrap: Donna Salazar Designs - Bricks

Clearsnap: Smooch Spritz - Caramel Latte, Wood Stain

I hope this layout inspires you!!
Have a Great Day! xx

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Month in Review - March 2013

Ok, think I am caught up again on my Month in review posts again! I am sure the end of  April will
be here before we know it too!
We had another Very Wet Month in March, I don't think I got one sunset photo this month. The few we did have I was to busy to go out and capture.

Weekend Workshop
I had my first Weekend Workshop, I am so happy it was a huge success. I was exhausted for the week after it! A happy exhaustion though. Was such a busy lead up too it! You can read all about HERE in this post.
Also make sure you check out the competition I am running for a chance to win a spot at the next Weekend Retreat HERE

Thank you to all the beautiful ladies that helped this weekend such a success.

I shouted myself to a hot stone massage after the weekend workshop, it was amazing! I felt so rejuvenated after it!    

ScrapMedia KiTs & KiTs 2 Go
 So with the launch of my first weekend workshop also saw the launch of my first kits.
I will have ScrapMedia KiTs and KiTs 2 Go available very soon. There have been some hold ups with the web site going live, I am still waiting!

 These are samples of my ScrapMedia kits, these kits include mediums or tools and techniques!
They will  also come with a video tutorial.

Here are all the kits boxed up ready to go for the Weekend Workshop.

The KiTs 2 Go are easier kits to grab and go and include photo step by step instructions.

This is my makeshift Kit room for now, I made a couple of shelves in Leonii's room.

Video Tutorial Table (Tut Table Top)
Our Tutorial Tables are still a work in Progress, So far I am happy with how they are turning out. I just have to edit the videos before I know for sure. Putting a white curtain over it also helped with the lighting it acted like a light box and reduced shadows. We hope to have these available to purchase soon. Just doing a couple more trials with them first.

What else do you do on a rainy day? Paint furniture and trims of course. I think this started with me putting something away and cleaning out one area, then I thought I might just paint this which then lead from one thing to another. I also give the Tut Table Top a coat of paint too.
I have to do some more studio/ office update soon too. I haven't taken any updated photos since I swapped rooms with Wil.

Skin Checks
On a more sombre note, Don got his skin and moles checked at a top skin clinic in Mackay.
He ended up with 10 spots being flagged to come out. These were the first 2 off his back.
I have been worried about him for awhile as he has already had a malignant melanoma cut off his neck several years ago. Anyway the first 4 were all ok then the 5th one he had taken off his cheek come back as a stage 1 melanoma and he had to go back to get more taken off. Was a very worrying few days. He still has 5 more to go, so I am keeping everything crossed until he gets the all clear.

 Rain Rain and More Rain
 It really has rained on and off for a couple of months now, and more on than off!
At least it is just rain and not severe storms and flooding.

 The cows have spent a lot of time in the shed too! They are over the rain too!
 We get lake views down the back after 100ml or so.

Tilly's Battle with another Snake
We nearly lost our dog Tilly to a Eastern Brown snake bite, the snake was longer than me. It was an expensive exercise to save her, but she is worth every penny!

 Here is the vet with the snake, Don had to race back home to get it for them to give her the right antivenin.
 Against all odds she was back home with us the next day, she was bleeding from the mouth all day on the day it happened, they were able to stop the bleeding with a blood transfusion.
I keep telling her she is getting too old to take on those big buggers.
 She was so happy to be home!

My Baby Turns 18
Holy Crap when did that happen, that makes me feel old. So proud of my Handsome young man!
He had a lovely night with friends, I was even brave enough to supervise on my own. They were no trouble at all though!


Works in Progress
I played in my studio while Wil had his party and started the backgrounds on several canvases.
These were all done with Modelling Paste, Gesso and Smooch Spritz and some stencils. I was just experimenting with creating different effects.

 This one is getting a girl with a bird painted on it! I will show you more progress on my Facebook page as I go.

Xena found a warm dry spot to curl up and keep an eye on me!

 Phew, no wonder I have been tired this month! No rest for the wicked hey!
Next month is showing no signs of slowing down either!
I hope March was all you wished it could have been too!

Wishing you all a Very Happy and Productive April xxx

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend Workshop Photos from the 23th & 24th of March & A Chance to Win a Spot at the Next One!

*****Here is a run down of what happened at our first weekend workshop!*****

Wow, what can I say about my first Weekend Workshop?? By all accounts it was a huge success, I know I had a great time and I am pretty sure all the girls did too!
The classes went beautifully and the Canvas demonstration was a huge hit too!
Thank you to all the girls who made this weekend such a magical weekend.

Make sure you read to the end for a chance to win a spot at the next weekend workshop for FREE!!!!

Here are some photos of all the girls busily working away!
Jenny & Joan

 Donna, Terrianne. Di, Barbie, Michelle, Loren, Christine, Rosie

Amy, Bev, Jenny, Joan, Terrianne & Donna

These were the workshop ScrapMedia KiTs and cards the ladies did over the weekend.

Saturdays Class, Dusty Paints Techniques and Tips

Sundays Class, Mix'd Media Inx Intro

Keep reading if you would like to win the next Workshop Kits for FREE!!!!

 This was one of the canvases that evolved during the demonstrations, it was sort of starting as a bleeding heart then a couple of the girls saw a shoe coming to light, so here it is, it's still not quiet finished yet.

The venue was awesome! Perfect for us!

The food was to to die for, Denise really excelled with her catering, Sugary Goodness Catering! I can highly recommend her if you need a function catered for. All the meals were absolutely delicious!
Thankyou Denise!!

I think someone tipped off the birthday girl to come dressed to match her birthday cake! LOL
Happy Birthday Jen! xxx

 So proud of these amazing ladies, they all inspire me no end.
Thank you girls for your support and for making the weekend so perfect!


"This weekend was truely awesome,I have been left very inspired to create and extend my ability to play with mixed media and canavases- love, love it. Rosie"

"Michelle's weekend workshop was an awesome combination of classes, free scrapping time, great company, and really top food. Couldn't have had a better weekend than I did. Christine"

"You have restored my passion for scrapping ... love your easy going style. You are one talented and generous lady. Cheers Terrianne"

*** Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart Beautiful Ladies! xxx ***

   OK Now for an Exciting Announcement!!!

Would you like to win the chance to attend the next weekend workshop for FREE???

I am holding a competition to give our weekend workshops a funky NEW name and would love to hear your ideas.
"WEEKEND WORKSHOP" just doesn't have that zing I think our weekends need.

The Prize Includes:
This Prize includes the next weekend workshop and kits for free,
I will be offering accommodation and pick up in Mackay for the weekend.
(Does not include Travel to Mackay)

If you are unable to make it to Mackay for the weekend workshop you will still receive
2x class ScrapMedia KiTs with video tutorials that we will be doing at the workshop
and 2x  KiTs 2 Go of your choice.

To go have a chance of winning a FREE Weekend Workshop or Online Kits, all you have to do is to leave a comment on this post
with your ideas for a NEW NAME for our  "Weekend Workshops"
(Make sure you leave your name and email with the comment as well.)

This competition will close on Wednesday the 1st of May!

Good Luck Everybody! I can't wait to see your ideas!!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

February 2013 Highlights ~ Playing Catch up

OK  So I am soooo behind at the moment, I am 2 months behind on my Month in Review Posts, But I guess its better late than never hey.

February was another very busy month, aren't they all, but the last couple have been ridiculously so!
I traveled North to Townsville and South to Brisbane within a week of each other in February.

I was Spoilt with Breaky in Bed on Mothers Day with some flowers from our garden, Thanks Don xxx.

We went up to Townsville for Wil to have his first Interview for the Army and to visit my friend Lisa who was up there for her radium treatment. Was a quick trip up and back with one night in Townsville.

This was the view from the room we were staying in! Was so nice.

While waiting for Wil's interview Don and I went for a walk through one of the gardens there where we came across these black cockatoos sitting there having a chat.

After a quick cuppa with Lisa and Wil's Interview, it was back in the car for a very wet 5 hour drive back home.

Then it was home to pack and get on a plane to fly down to Brisbane.
The Lovely Sue Smyth from Australian Scrapbook Ideas  picked me up from the Airport and we went back to her place for a cuppa then onto Print Blocks to Stock up for the weekend workshop.

Leonii picked me up from Print Blocks and we got some last minute items for Tracy Verdugo's Paint Mojo Workshop
You can see more on the Paint Mojo Workshop on this post HERE

Was so lovely to catch up with my baby girl and Duncan! Miss my beautiful girl sooo much!!

I have been teaching myself to paint faces, this was the progress of this girl.
I am really enjoying learning new art techniques lately!!

I have also received my first shipment of phone cases with my art work on them, I am still in the process of getting these onto Etsy! Another Job on my list of many things to do!

February has been another very very wet month! We stop measuring the rain these days, I think this weeks worth was well over 300ml for the week.

The stormy skies has provided some pretty spectacular photos this month, this was a freaky storm cloud and was so low. It almost felt like you could reach up and touch it!

You can probably guess by now that I love taking photos of the changing skies!

An early morning Sunrise, complete with plane in the top photo top RH corner.

On the home front the animals are all doing well and everything is lovely and green and wet!

Still waiting for these custard apples to ripen!

"Fatso" AKA Cynder in front of the fruit orchid.

Tilly on Guard, we nearly lost her to a snake bite in March, but more on that in next months post.
I hope to have the March in Review post done by next week!

Love this photo of Sadie sitting on the fence post.

Xena the warrior princess!

As always February has been another month of emotional ups and downs, although I can feel a little by little that I am getting stronger! Believing in myself a little more each month!!

Thank you to each and everyone of you for supporting me in my journey through this life!
Hugs to you all! xxx